The best vitamins
for your skin

We all worry about our general health and whether we’re providing our bodies with the right nutrition and vitamins and minerals. But we often forget about our skin health and the small things we can be doing to improve its overall appearance and condition.

A great place to start is the diet we eat and ensuring it includes a good balance of the vitamins essential for good skin health. 


Vital Vitamins for Vibrant Skin: A comprehensive guide

As we meticulously monitor our overall health, ensuring our diet is enriched with necessary vitamins and minerals, our skin’s health often escapes our attention. Yet, integrating essential vitamins into our diet can significantly enhance our skin’s appearance and health.

Adopting a diet rich in crucial skin-health vitamins can revitalize your skin, leaving it fresh and youthful. According to, a vitamin-rich diet may also diminish dark spots, redness, wrinkles, rough patches, and excessive dryness. Our skin specialists recommend incorporating these four pivotal vitamins into your diet for optimal skin health:

Vitamin D

Naturally synthesized when sunlight kisses your skin, Vitamin D is also found in certain foods and supplements. It is vital for creating healthy cells, including those of your skin, influencing skin tone and potentially averting skin aging, promoting bone health, reducing certain cancer risks, managing psoriasis, and enhancing mood.

Boost your Vitamin D levels by:

  • Basking in sunlight for a minimum of 10 minutes daily (skin cancer history warrants a doctor consultation).
  • Consuming Vitamin D-fortified foods like cereals, orange juice, and yogurt.
  • Enjoying Vitamin D-rich foods such as oily fish, red meat, and egg yolks.

In the UK, Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent due to limited sunshine exposure. A simple blood test can determine your Vitamin D levels, with our at-home service offering supplementation if needed.

Vitamin C

A skincare powerhouse, Vitamin C is celebrated for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, improving skin tone and texture, hydration, and aging signs. Essential for collagen production, Vitamin C maintains skin health, which is why it’s a staple in anti-aging skincare products.

To ensure adequate Vitamin C intake:

  • Consume citrus fruits and plant-based Vitamin C sources like strawberries, broccoli, and spinach.
  • Drink orange juice.
  • Consider supplements as per doctor’s advice.
  • Opt for topical Vitamin C treatments for enhanced skin health.

Our high-dose Vitamin C drip, administered by trained professionals, delivers an equivalent of nearly two tubes of Berocca in a single session.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K plays a crucial role in blood clotting, facilitating the healing of wounds, bruises, and surgical areas. It may also aid in treating stretch marks, spider veins, scars, dark spots, and under-eye circles. However, its efficacy in skincare remains under debate, with recent research questioning its benefits compared to Vitamins E and C.

Naturally boost your Vitamin K intake with kale, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, and green beans, keeping in mind the ongoing research into its skincare benefits.

Vitamin E

An antioxidant like Vitamin C, Vitamin E safeguards your skin from environmental damage. It absorbs harmful UV light, combating free radicals induced by sun exposure and pollution, thus preventing skin damage.

Enhance your Vitamin E intake by:

  • Eating nuts and seeds such as almonds, hazelnuts, and sunflower seeds.
  • Consuming fruits and vegetables like spinach, kiwi, tomatoes, and mangoes.
  • Taking Vitamin E supplements or multivitamins.
  • Using skincare products with both Vitamin E and C for optimal photoprotection.

Before embarking on a vitamin supplement regimen, consult with a dermatologist or physician to determine the best choices for your skin health.