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Vitamin D foods: Your comprehensive guide to Vitamin D Sources

We all try to follow a balanced and healthy diet, but let’s face it, it’s not always easy. Sometimes, despite our efforts, we may unintentionally skip meals, consume unhealthy snacks, or miss out on essential vitamins from our food.

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for good health and provides many health benefits, such as promoting healthy bones and supporting the immune system. Our body generates vitamin D through direct sunlight exposure. This is great if you live in a hot sunny country and are constantly drenched in vitamin D-producing rays. However, if you’re based in the UK, it’s a different story.

As we head into shorter and colder days, we’re exposed to less sunshine and ultraviolet B (UVB). This means we need to supplement this vitamin through other means. If you live in the UK, the NHS recommends taking 10 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin D supplements every day during the winter period between October and early March.

Another way we can top our vitamin D levels is by eating vitamin D foods. Here are some to consider…


Eggs are a great choice as part of a healthy diet. They are cheap, convenient and versatile, as well as being a great source of protein. The yolk is where you’ll find all the minerals and vitamins, including vitamin D – especially if the chickens are free-range as they have more exposure to sunlight.
The vitamin D in one egg yolk is predicted to contain as much as 40 IU of vitamin D, equating to roughly 5% of your DV (Daily Values). The variety of nutrients in eggs can also help promote healthy hair, nails and body. So, next time you’re deciding on what to eat, think about adding a boiled or poached egg to your breakfast, lunch or dinner menu.


Yoghurt is a convenient, tasty snack and when consumed straight or with fresh fruit, it’s healthy, too. This type of dairy is an excellent source of good-for-the-gut probiotics, reaching for a fortified variety will contribute to 10 and 20 percent of your recommended daily requirement of vitamin D, depending on the brand.
But watch out, vitamin D is not found in all brands, so always check the packaging to find out. And don’t worry we’ve checked if Petit Filous’ fortified with vitamin D, and they are phew!
Also Ricotta has more than five times the amount of Vitamin D than other cheeses. So what are you waiting for? Pass us the cannelloni…


Extracted from the livers of Atlantic cod, this commonly taken supplement is packed full of nutrients and, according to Medical News Today, is one of the richest sources of vitamin D available.
Like regular fish oil, cod liver oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids and has many health benefits. A single teaspoon of cod liver oil can provide 56% of the DV for vitamin D.
Taking cod liver oil regularly can not only provide a good level of vitamin D, but it can also lower inflammation, improve bone and eye health.


Tuna is an affordable cupboard staple. It’s the perfect ingredient for an easy and healthy lunch and also a great source of protein and omega-3s.
Put a tasty twist on lunch with a warm tuna Nicoise salad or Lemony tuna, tomato & caper one-pot pasta.
One of the biggest challenges globally is the sustainability of tuna. Therefore, it’s essential when buying fresh or canned tuna, to look for the MSC label (which stands for the Marine Stewardship Council Fisheries Standard), so you know it’s certified sustainable. Canned sardines are also a good source of vitamin D if tuna isn’t your cup of tea.


According to, cereal and cereal products play an essential role in the diet and are a significant source of many nutrients for both children and adults. Many breakfast cereals are fortified voluntarily and, according to the national diet and nutrition survey (NDNS), these contribute 20%, 29% and 23% of the average iron intake of British adults, boys and girls, respectively. Fortified breakfast cereals also contribute 13% of the average recommended daily vitamin D intake in men and women, 20% of the average daily vitamin D intake in girls and 24% in boys.
Brands such as Quaker’s Oats, Kellogg’s Special K are fortified with vitamin D so check the label of your favourite cereal. If it isn’t vitamin-fortified, you can probably find many more brands that are.


Not liking mushrooms is incredibly common – some people don’t like the fact they are putting a fungus into their mouth. Others don’t like the slippery texture, and some people don’t like the taste. Mushrooms have developed a bad rap as grey, soggy, wet and generally flavourless food.
But before you think about leaving them off the menu entirely, you may want to consider that mushrooms are one of the most viable sources of vitamin D. Usually grown in dark environments, mushrooms are treated with UV light for exposure and produce high levels of vitamin D.
When cooked well, the flavour and texture they can bring to the table is astounding. Consider roasting them at a high temperature for a crunchier texture. If a person does not like fish, or if they are vegetarian or vegan, mushrooms are an excellent option for a meat alternative.
If you have trouble getting enough Vitamin D from food sources, you may need an iron supplement. If you suspect you suffer from low levels, we can perform a variety of tests to determine your current levels.

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