IV Drips for Events, Festivals and Weddings


The government guidelines are constantly adapting to the pandemic’s impact. More specifically, thanks to the success of the vaccination programme both in the UK and around the world, from 24 October fully vaccinated passengers and most under 18s arriving in England from countries that are not on the red list (and they have not visited a red list country or territory in the ten days before arriving in England) can take a lateral flow test, instead of a PCR test, on or before day 2 of their arrival into the UK. These can be booked from 22 October.


What is a lateral flow test?


Lateral flow tests give a quick result using a device similar to a pregnancy test. This involves rubbing a long cotton bud (swab) over your tonsils (or where they would have been) and inside your nose, or inside your nose only. The test kit itself is a hand-held device with an absorbent pad at one end and a reading window at the other. Inside the device is a strip of test paper that changes colour in the presence of Covid-19 proteins (antigens). Research shows rapid tests are more than 90% accurate. This means the chance of getting a false-positive result (where the result shows as positive but is actually negative) is extremely low.


Different industry sectors and different countries use varying terminology to describe what lateral flow tests are. Common names include:

  • Lateral flow test (LFT)
  • Lateral flow device (LFD)
  • Lateral flow assay (LFA)
  • Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA)
  • Lateral flow immunochromatographic assays
  • Dipstick
  • Express test
  • Pen-side test
  • Quick test
  • Rapid test
  • Rapid antigen test
  • Test strip


Rapid antigen lateral flow tests are highly convenient with just a 15-minute turnaround time, as well as the assurance that they can pick up moderate to high viral loads. Patients will have moderate to high viral loads about three days before symptoms start until between 7 and 10 days after symptoms start.

Lateral flow tests are now accepted for travel (while many international travel destinations still require a negative PCR test to travel abroad, some countries are accepting a negative rapid antigen lateral flow test for entry into the country – providing all other conditions and stipulations are met), as well as at most schools and workplaces.

It can also put you at ease immediately if you are worried about your health or those around you. Also, around one in three people that have contracted Covid-19 do not have symptoms. Therefore, a test that rapidly detects these otherwise hidden cases is a handy additional tool for tackling the virus.


According to Reuters:

“The government and health officials have said that rapid testing, via easy-to-use lateral flow tests, is crucial for tracking the spread of COVID-19, with regular testing of those without symptoms identifying around a quarter of all cases.” 

Source: www.reuters.com


Test results


Using a lateral flow test is very straightforward. Follow the simple instructions you’ll find in the kit, and after 15 minutes, you’ll get one of the following three results:

Source: www.gov.uk


  • Negative result: one line next to C shows the test is negative.
  • Positive result: two lines, one next to C and one next to T, even faint lines, shows the test is positive. In that case, you must report the test result to the NHS, and you will get provided with a free confirmatory NHS PCR test.
  • Void: no lines, or one line next to T, means the test is void. You will need to re-take with a new test kit.


How can Effect Doctors help?


The Effect Doctors team is working hard to keep as many people safe during the Covid-19 pandemic as possible. That is why we offer a range of tests, allowing you and your loved ones to stay safe. 

At Effect Doctors, after conducting thorough research, we have identified the Flowflex and Healgen Lateral Flow Rapid Antigen Tests as the best ones on the market in the UK. They are FDA authorized, considered to be the most advanced lateral flow test in the world, have full Home Test Approval Granted in the UK & EU, are UK Government validated at Porton Down Laboratories, detect New Virus Strains, have a 98.8% accuracy rate, and are CE marked and ISO certified.

The tests are suitable for general testing and pre-travel (Fit to Fly Certificate), but please check your destinations on the government website beforehand as several countries still require a PCR test. You don’t need to send lateral flow tests to the lab for testing, and your results can be obtained in 15 minutes. The fast turnaround time of the lateral flow test is highly convenient, as you won’t have to make another flight cancellation/delay. 


How it works


Our lateral flow test is easy to use and provides fast and highly accurate results. All you need to do is:


  • Order your lateral flow test(s) online.
  • Follow the simple instructions included within the kit package to complete the test.
  • Upload the results of your test to our portal.
  • You will receive your doctor-signed certificate within 12 hours (or less).


If you get a positive result from these self-tests, it is extremely likely you are currently infected with Covid-19 and risk infecting others. You must follow the information in the instructions for use provided with the kit. You must report your result to the NHS through one of the methods detailed in the instructions for use. When you report your result, you will be provided with further information on the next steps to take.

We strongly advise you to isolate yourself if you feel unwell (especially if you are around a high-risk individual), even after a negative test. Call us anytime if you would like to learn more about the test, the process and/or if you have any symptoms. 

Here at Effect Doctors, we have streamlined the testing process to make it as easy as possible for you to get fast and accurate results whenever you need them. Follow the simple instructions and receive a doctor’s certificate within 12 hours. Couldn’t be any easier!


Order your rapid antigen lateral flow test here.



Wedding Iv drips

Skincare and vitamins

When you travel, whether for business or pleasure, the trip can all too often be dampened by jet lag for the first few days. It can leave you feeling run down and lacking energy, and might make you unable to make the most out of your time away. We want to share our tips for how to combat jet lag before, during and after your flight, so that you can concentrate on enjoying your trip.


What is jet lag and what causes it?

Jet lag is a temporary condition that occurs when your sleep pattern is disrupted, usually by flying across multiple time zones.

Our bodies have an internal clock called the circadian rhythm, which tells us when to go to sleep based on the hours of light and darkness where we live. When you go on holiday somewhere far away, your body is not used to the new routine and can struggle to function at its best.

It usually takes around a day to recover for each time zone crossed, and is usually worse when travelling West to East, when you ‘lose’ hours. The good news is that jet lag is only temporary, and the symptoms can be lessened by taking precautions.


Jet lag symptoms

The main symptom of jet lag is fatigue due to your sleep schedule being changed. This can lead to a loss in concentration, a dip in mood and mild insomnia.

Another symptom of jet lag is gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, indigestion and diarrhoea, as your body won’t be used to your new meal times.


How to avoid jet lag

Unfortunately, at the moment jet lag can’t be prevented completely, but you can make it easier to handle by doing the following.


Before your flight

✅ Get plenty of rest in the days before.

✅ Try to gradually alter your waking hours to match those of your destination. For example, if you’re flying to somewhere five hours behind, go to bed a bit earlier each night and wake up a bit earlier each morning.

✅ If it’s a really long flight, consider splitting the trip up when booking, Could you spend a couple of nights somewhere halfway to your destination?

❌ Try to limit the amount of alcohol and caffeine you consume, and avoid eating huge meals and spending a lot of time looking at screens.


During your flight

✅ Drink plenty of water – we recommend a litre every few hours.

✅ Try to get some sleep if it’s night time where you’re headed.

✅ Make sure to stretch and move around at regular intervals.

❓ Some people like taking melatonin supplements to help regulate their circadian rhythms, but there’s not sufficient scientific evidence to say they work. Ask your doctor before taking them.

❌ However tempting, try to avoid overindulging on the in-flight beverages – a hangover will only make jet lag worse.


At your destination

✅ Adjust to the new time zone as soon as possible.

✅ Set your alarm to avoid oversleeping in the morning.

✅ Take a hot bath before you go to bed to relax your body and mind and encourage sleepiness.

❌ Don’t sleep during the day – go for a walk instead. The natural light will help your body to adapt more quickly.


For those who need a little extra help with their symptoms take a look at our Jet Lag Reset IV drip.

wedding IV drips

Biotin is an essential vitamin that’s sometimes referred to as Vitamin H. A water-soluble B vitamin (vitamin B7) biotin is found naturally in various foods. It is an essential component of enzymes involved in metabolizing fats and carbohydrates, influencing cell growth, and affecting amino acids involved in protein synthesis. For this reason, Vitamin H is used as a supplement for brittle nails and hair loss. 

Biotin and other antioxidants can also help you detox and renew for better immunity and glowing skin. 


 We also need biotin for: 

  • Processing nutrients from our food
  • Energy release
  • Healthy hair, skin and mucous membranes
  • Normal nervous system and mental health
  • It helps regulate signals sent between the cells in our body

Biotin is a vital vitamin that we can get through a varied, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, but it can be produced naturally in your bowel. 

Your body only needs small amounts to support normal function, so most people get the biotin they need from eating a healthy diet. There is some evidence that getting more biotin can help regulate your blood sugar, promote healthy hair, skin, and nails, and help pregnant people have healthier babies. 


How much biotin should we be getting daily? 

It’s recommended that adolescents and adults should be getting between 30 and 100 micrograms (mcg) per day. 

Because it’s water-soluble, extra biotin will pass through your body when you urinate. Biotin supplements can, in some cases, cause side effects like nausea and digestive issues, but there are no known toxicity symptoms associated with too much biotin.


Although biotin deficiency is rare, the following symptoms can indicate low levels of the vitamin:

  • Thinning hair
  • Red, scaly rash around eyes, nose and mouth
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Brittle nails
  • Skin infections and rashes 
  • Dry skin and eyes
  • Depression

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, always speak to your GP to rule out biotin deficiency as well as other health conditions.


Who is at higher risk of biotin deficiency?

The National Institute of Health states the following groups may be at higher risk of developing a biotin deficiency:

  • Individuals living with alcoholism – long term daily consumption of alcohol reduces the absorption of biotin, leaving people vulnerable to low levels. 
  • Smokers – who often have low biotin levels.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women – despite normal biotin consumption, pregnant and breastfeeding women tend to have lower biotin levels.
  • Those living with chronic health conditions – chronic (long term) health conditions can often limit a person’s ability to absorb vitamins and minerals properly, meaning that they’re not always getting enough of what they need despite their diet. 


What are the natural sources of biotin?

  • Egg yolk
  • Organ meats (liver, kidney)
  • Nuts, like almonds, peanuts, pecans, and walnuts
  • Nut and seeds 
  • Soybeans and other legumes
  • Whole grains and cereals
  • Cauliflower
  • Bananas
  • Mushrooms
  • Spinach

It’s always advisable to be seen by a doctor who can determine the risk of deficiency and diagnosis and suggest treatment or course of action that’s best for you.

Find out more about our Biotin shot – All of our treatments are designed in house, exclusively doctor delivered and built upon safe and effective care.




